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Speeding Up Your Metabolism: How to Speed Up Your Metabolism Plan
Speeding Up Metabolism: Perfect for Women who are too Busy to Diet
- Burn 32% more fat than with Zone, Atkins or South Beach
- Cut Cravings by 81%
- Lower LDL cholesterol by 23 points
Over the years, as experts have debated the best way to lose weight, two strategies have stood out as superior: consuming more protein and eating five or six mini meals per day, thus, speeding up metabolism. And now ground-breaking research reveals that combining these two approaches guarantees unrivaled results.
Scientists at the University of Wollongong in Australia found that eating a high-protein meal triggers a 35 percent spike in metabolism that lasts four hours. "Harnessing this power five or six times daily keeps metabolism high, so the body is burning fat at its peak 24/7", says nutrition researcher Tom Venuto, author of The Body Fat Solution (Avery, 2009). And studies at Tufts University at Boston suggest that spreading protein intake over five or six meals is so effective in speeding up metabolism that it results in 32 percent more fat loss than traditional low-carb plans.
How Speeding Up Your Metabolism with Protein Mini Meals Pare Pounds
When women consume frequent protein-rich meals, they effortlessly cut their daily caloric intake by as much as 55 percent. That's because the meals suppress the stomach's production of the hunger-triggering hormone ghrelin and simultaneously increase the small intestine's formation of peptide YY, a powerful appetite-controlling compound. "What's more, some of the amino acids in protein, including phenylalanine and glutamic acid, are absorbed right into the brain, where they dampen carbohydrate cravings and reduce appetite for up to three hours straight," adds David Heber, M.D>, Ph.D., a professor of medicine and public health at UCLA.Even better, one of protein's building blocks, leucine, specifically targets belly fat. Research in the journal Diabetes reveals that this amino acid switches on weight-controlling genes within the omentum, the fat-laden abdominal tissue that is so difficult to shrink. This prompts the body to release- and burn - 25 percent more fat from this region than it does on low-protein diets.
Another boon for the body: Women who adopt this dietary strategy retain three times more metabolism-revving muscle tissue during weight loss, according to research at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana. "If you maintain 12 pounds of metabolically active muscle as you lose weight, you'll burn 130 more calories every day just sitting still", says Venuto. "And that saved muscle will make you look sleek and toned, so you won't end up with that skinny yet flabby look that's common with low-protein plans".
All told, speeding up your metabolism with protein mini-meal method is so effective; it's helped thousands of women shed up to pounds of stubborn body fat every week.
-Increase energy by 75 percent
-Cut risk of indigestion by 32 percent
-Reduce food cravings and hunger pangs by 81 percent
-Lower risk of insulin resistance by 50 percent
-Reduce heart-harming triglycerides by 40 percent
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High Protein Diet Plan: A Meal Plan that Helps You Lose Weight Fast and For Good
Can you really Lose Weight with Fruit Pills?
Lose an average of 28 pounds in 10 weeks.
A fruit pill can be a great slimming aid. According to a study in Nutrition Journal, subjects taking a fruit concentrate lost an average of 28 pounds in 10 weeks.
Fruit concentrates, like Nutrilite Concentrated Fruits and VegetablesYou would have to eat 10 to 20 servings of produce per day to get the same benefits. And even if you did eat that much fruit, you'd be ingesting so many calories, there would be little room for other foods that make up a well-rounded diet.
Still, keep aiming for five daily servings of real produce. This way, you'll get extra slimming and satiety-providing nutrients that pills lack, such as fiber.
Jenny McCarthy's Slimming Treat

This treat reduces cravings, prolongs satiety and increases energy.
In fact, some women who kicked gluten out of their diet lost up to 5 pounds in just 48 hours.
Before heading to bed, Jenny McCarthy snacks on two gluten-free, casein-free cookies and a cup of tea.Such snacks, like Lucy's Cookies
Snack on this goodies and lose up to 5 pounds in just 48 hours.
Curb Cravings with just a Glance

Curb appetite and boost your spirit just by wearing this color.
Chromo therapists attest that the electromagnetic frequency of the color pink prompts the brain's pineal gland to release serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps curb appetite and boosts your spirit.So wear a pink sweater or bracelet for a sugar-like high minus the calories and guilt.
Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Walk!

A 30-minute walk can burn 200 calories or more.
* While walking, pump your arms to get more power from your hips and tone the upper body.
* Control your hips: Move them as extensions of your thighs.
* Stand tall to allow your waist to swivel with the motion of your hips and legs.
* Try interval walking: Normal pace for five minutes, fast for 30 seconds. Repeat eight times.
* Take short quick steps instead of long strides.
* Use the heel-to-toe roll and push off with the back leg.
* Five by fives: While walking, hold your stomach in for five minutes, release for five.