Alert! Parasites Can Make You Fat!
foods to lose weight
AdvertisementBelieve it or not, parasites are a major hidden source of weight gain. Here's how to get rid of them.
Fish or meat that's raw, rare or cooked in the microwave isn't exposed to the high heat needed to kill parasites like protozoa an worms.Once in the gut, these organisms absorb the nutrients needed to keep blood sugar balanced and energy high. And this often results in sugar cravings and chronic fatigue. Plus, they send biochemical signals to the digestive tract that the body registers as hunger, causing overeating.
To get rid of parasites, try an annual cleanse with parasite-killing herbs like black walnut and garlic. Two liquid extracts with proven herbs: Uni Key Verma Plus (a worm remover) and Uni Key Para Plus (a protozoa eliminator).

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