Tips on How to Eat Well on the Road
weight loss tips
AdvertisementTips on How to Eat Healthy when you're on a trip or dining out.
1. Always ask for breakfast potatoes to be steamed, not fried.2. Pack a bag of healthy snacks- fresh fruit, vegetables and brown rice- to curb the desire to stop for a big lunch in the middle of the day.
3. When dining at a breakfast buffet, fill up on fresh fruit and whole-grain cereals rather than pancakes and breakfast meats.
4. Order scrambled egg whites rather than whole eggs.
5. Stay away from fast-food meals.
6. Look for healthy restaurant outside your hotel, especially when the closest and most convenient choices are high-fat oriented.
7. Schedule one cheat meal every two days- not ever day- if you are traveling for one week or more.
8. Eat a grilled chicken breast via room service if you are hungry late at night. Protein trumps carbs as a low-fat, late-night snack.
9. Travel with a jar of organic peanut butter for emergency snacking.

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