Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Walk!
weight loss tips
A 30-minute walk can burn 200 calories or more.
New Balance, an athletic apparel manufacturer, has put together a few training tips to make sure you get the most out of your walk:
* While walking, pump your arms to get more power from your hips and tone the upper body.
* Control your hips: Move them as extensions of your thighs.
* Stand tall to allow your waist to swivel with the motion of your hips and legs.
* Try interval walking: Normal pace for five minutes, fast for 30 seconds. Repeat eight times.
* Take short quick steps instead of long strides.
* Use the heel-to-toe roll and push off with the back leg.
* Five by fives: While walking, hold your stomach in for five minutes, release for five.

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2 comments: Responses to “ Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Walk! ”
By Amoxil Online on April 14, 2011 at 3:36 AM
Very useful tips for making walking very effective.
By best lower ab exercises for women on July 12, 2011 at 6:49 PM
This is really great.. I also have some walking articles on my site.. The tips you have here is more the same than what i have.. This really is a great post..