3 Super Foods that Burn Belly Fat
lose abdominal fat
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Research found that dieters who fill up on these foods that burn or target belly fat helps women reduce abdominal fat by up to 50 percent.
Mushrooms: Women who enjoyed a mushroom-based lunch ate 400 fewer calories throughout the day compared with those who ate a meat dish, according to a study at John Hopkins University in Baltimore. Follow-up research confirms that a daily cup serving of mushrooms instead of an equal portion of animal protein can help women shed 10 pounds of belly fat in two months.
Edamame: Consuming two daily servings of soy foods such as edamame or tofu helps target abdominal fat at the cellular level, note researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Their studies show that soy activates fat burn inside cells, stimulating weight loss within 72 hours, without calorie restriction. Plus, it cuts the production of new abdominal fat by 57 percent.
Beans: Eating 1 cup of protein- and fiber-rich beans daily cuts the risk of an expanding waistline by 23 percent, say scientists at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Additional research shows the same daily dose can help dieters more than double abdominal-fat reduction. Plus, preliminary studies suggest that bean fiber binds to fat-storing toxins in the intestinal tract, speeding their elimination from the body.
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