Quickest Ways to Lose Weight
AdvertisementHere are the Easiest Ways to Lose Weight Fast
1. Two cups of Green Tea a day jump starts the metabolism. So does a morning glass of unsweetened cranberry juice.
2. Drink a Glass of Water before meals to fake a full feeling. And make sure to have a total of at least 2 liters of water throughout the day.
3. Cut-out High-Starch Foods like potatoes.
4. Catch Z's : Getting 8 hours of sleep each night boosts metabolism by cutting down on cortisol production, which causes weight gain.
5. Weight Training: Weight Training 3 times a week for 30-60 minutes will speed a slim-down, since muscle burns fat fast.
6. Walk it Off: Hoof it whenever possible - 30-60 minutes of extra walking each day adds up to around 4 miles ( calories burned: 300).

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